Two programs are offered for men living with high and complex support needs who are at risk of homelessness. Our participants are treated with dignity and respect. They are actively involved in decision-making to ensure outcomes meet their needs and address their interests, concerns and priorities.
Men's Accommodation and Support Service (MASS)
This program works with men at risk of homelessness, including men leaving custody or otherwise involved in the criminal justice system. Men are accepted into the program on an agreement to participate in EveryMan's case management and support program and allocated an EveryMan property for the duration of their involvement - generally around 12 months. After the client successfully completes the program, management of the house may be returned to Housing ACT, or the client may be assisted with transitioning to other accommodation.
Men's Outreach Support Service (MOSS)
We provide Outreach Case Management support to men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Men may have their own accommodation which is inadequate or at risk of breaking down. They may be offered EveryMan outreach support in cases where accommodation is needed and we have no vacancies.
The objectives of both programs are to ensure that men:
- gain enhanced safety and improved health outcomes
- develop opportunities to increase knowledge, skills and confidence to manage future crises
- increase their awareness of, and capacity to access ongoing education, community resources and support networks
- can develop ongoing skills to access appropriate mainstream and specialist services
- are better able to sustain stable accommodation
Partners may be accommodated as co-habitants under the man's occupancy agreement . Where agreements are in place, multi-bedroom accommodation may be provided to support men's access with their children.
Fifteen places are allocated for men involved in the Justice system (in prison, on remand or on probation). MASS works through protocols that involve ACT Community Corrections and the ACT Sentence Administration Board. The other fifteen places are available to men referred by other agencies through an application process.
Mass Outreach
Single men without children who are at risk of homelessness due to circumstances that impact their capacity to sustain stable accommodation.
Access to MASS services are by referral, mainly through Onelink.
Making Referrals
To ask about making referrals to the MASS program, call Onelink on 1800 176 468 or email them at
To start the referral process for the MASS program, please use EveryMan's general referral web form (click here) and tick the box for 'Men's Accommodation & Support Services (MASS)'. The information in this form helps us to prioritise based on needs.
If we can support an individual referred, we will send you an application form to provide us with more information about the person and their situation. Program management will consider applications and forward them to Onelink, or MASS may take direct action.
Waiting Lists
There can be waiting lists for our services. Please call to ask about vacancies. Appointment requests will be considered, subject to waiting lists and capacity.
There are no fees to access these services.
Call EveryMan:
Ph: (02) 6230 6999
For a referral web form - click here
Ph: 1800 176 468
or fax: 02 6207 2457